Thursday, March 4, 2010

Interactive Interview Preparation Workshop, Ron Gaschler

Candidates are on the hunt for information and helpful tips! Ron Gaschler of Bridgepoint Education provided an interactive session focusing on interview questions and ways to improve candidate responses. Using a candidate in a mock interview, other participants were able to observe his responses, providing an "on the other side of the table" experience and allowing the group to give constructive feedback that they too can utilize. Ron ended the session by providing a handout entitled "Three Steps to a Successful Interview" that outlined a preparation activity to complete before interviews involving resume and job description review, writing out candidate strengths with examples, and thinking about how you as a candidate are the best fit for the position.

By Jasmine LeFever

1 comment:

  1. I am very excited by this workshop, I expect it to be a good tool for me in improving my skills during a job interview.
